BREAK: The Amazing Dedication of “Rich, Radiant Love”

Kate here, letting you guys know that “Goths and Weeaboos” will be on a brief hiatus while I figure out where exactly I stashed the copy.

In lieu of that, I will deliver with what is possibly the strangest dedication I’ve ever read in a book. Mind you that this is a romance novel’s dedication, so the fact that it’s about the author’s cat is rather… interesting.

“To beautiful Gold, my enormous and bewitching tomcat, son of Fancy and Spice; Gold, with his winning ways and his singing purr and his soft, amazingly thick fur of brilliant white and golden orange; affectionate, sensitive, intelligent, charming Gold whose huge lamplike golden eyes have such a melting gaze; dear gentle Gold, who loves everyone and who has won a special place in our hearts forever, this book is dedicated.”

WOW. I’m pretty certain this lady is just actually, literally in romantic love with her cat. I can’t remember exactly when it was published, so for all I know, “affectionate, sensitive, intelligent, charming Gold” is an affectionate and sensitive skelecat in some pet cemetery.

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